Exerpts from a blog post by 17 year old me.
"The world is always in a constant state of change, just because we havent been around to see that, doesnt mean when we do see that change, that something is necessarily wrong. That is basically how I feel about the whole Global Warming Issue... Although I do feel that all the eco-warriors are doing a just cause, and if everyone were to be environmentally friendly then it would be a better world for a bit anyway, until another devastating occurence... occured."
What the fuck is my teenage self talking about? I don't believe in global warming being all that bad? That's fucking insane for me to say and I never remember thinking this at all. My god I have changed. And what is the ending? What am I even talking about... I can't deal with the stupidity of this post and I'm forever annoyed I had access to the internet at this part of my life. Things change, so just cause we see it, doesn't mean it's bad? What the fuck was I saying? Oh come on scientists... things change all the time.. the cheese on my sandwich melted. That's good!
"I have started this Blog because I can and also I am bored this night, If this goes anywhere yay. but for now it is a simple entertainment for myself."
Maybe... just maybe don't do it then? I wish I could go back in time and slap this idiot.
"Sport, it is either very much disliked and misunderstood by a portion of the community but it is also a very much supported and loved, personally i love Sport, growing up in a country such as Australia... its hard to not like it.
Alright I still like sport occasionally. After all as you can see I grew up liking it, and for some reason I felt the need to share this fact. "It's disliked and misunderstood" is essentially saying those other people just don't get it. No they get it, they just don't like it. Which is fair... and they find it quite easy to not like. What am I even talking about? God damn I don't know why I rediscovered this stupid post.
"I'm sure if you are even reading this you hope for interesting, funny maybe even insightful paragraphs. I hope to give them to you, but I can not promise anything."
.....the fact I had the balls to think it could be funny or insightful hurts my very being and shakes me to my core. The very idea I could have been so stupid. How is this insightful in anyway?
"why do Americans need to call American Football, Football when they do not use their feet for a majority of the game?. Do they just not have a name for it that is any better. Gridiron, isnt that a good name?. Football, Soccer whatever I can also watch, but it is probably the most frustrating type of game out there. Especially when its a 0-0 draw. That Sucks!. anyway onto the next topic."
........................................I just suggested this could be insightful and then proceeded to question why they call it football when they use their hands. I swear if there was an award for stupidity I should have been nominated.... not only that then I point at that a nil all draw in soccer is boring... really? REALLY? WOW WHAT ELSE DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SHARE YOU COMPLETE IDIOT?!
"Facebook, everyone has a facebook. Even I have a facebook, I find it ever so pointless, but ever so good at wasting your precious hours. It is ironic that all the Human Race does is find ways to waste their time. When the most feared thing is when your time ultimately runs out. think about it, on your death bed will you be proud of looking onto facebook for hours, or would you be more proud of learning to play guitar. Just a thought. I can not talk though, I am writing a blog that is highly likely to be never read."
Unfortunately past me... I'm fucking reading this. You are so deep... yeah people die, but they go on Facebook. What other precious fucking opinions do you have to share? that we have to breath all the time, what's up with that?
Past me then proceeds to say goodbye and talk about how he might post again. I came across this blog just by chance. Forgot all about it and thought it'd be interesting to reread some things I chose to share. That was probably a mistake... but at least I can know I have grown and am no longer that amount of stupid. That little stupid boy is within me though and I have to keep that in mind.
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